International Symposia on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Inc.

3rd North American Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (NASCRE-3)

Chemical Reaction Engineering for a Sustainable Future: Addressing New Challenges
and Revisiting Persistent Problems in Energy, Environmental, and Chemicals Research

Schedule of Presentations
Wednesday, March 20

  Galleria I & II
8:15 - 9:15 AM Plenary: "CFD Modeling of Flow, Mixing and Reaction in Polydisperse Multiphase Systems," Rodney Fox (Iowa State University) (160)
9:15 - 9:30 AM Break
  Galleria I & II Galleria III Galleria IV
Catalytic Engineering Fundamentals 2 Reaction Engineering of Polymers and Intermediates 2 Reaction Engineering: General 2
Session Chairs
Paul Dauenhauer (Univ. of Massachusetts)
Dan Hickman (Dow Chemical)
Session Chair
Bala Subramanian (University of Kansas)
Session Chairs
William Epling (University of Houston)
Peter Smirniotis (University of Cincinnati)
9:30 - 9:55 AM "Momentary Equilibrium in Transient Kinetics and its Application for Estimating the Number of Catalytic Sites," Evgeniy Redekop, Gregory Yablonsky, Denis Constales, Rebecca Fushimi, John Gleaves and Guy Marin (63) "Direct Sintyesis of Hydrogen Peroxide using a Glass Fabricated Microreactor – Its Performance and Kinetics Studies," Tomoya Inoue, Kenichiro Ohtaki, Ming Lu, Jiro Adachi, Sunao Murakami, Xu Sun, Sohei Matsumoto and Dong (Scott) Wang (70) "Limits of Optimization in Reaction Engineering" Michael Nilles (23)
9:55 - 10:20 AM "Mechanistic Study of Selective Catalytic Reduction of Nox over Cu Chabazite Monolithic Catalyst with C3H6 and Nh3," Richa Raj, Michael Harold and Vemuri Balakotaiah (79) "Upgrading of Crude Glycerol over Zirconia-Iron Oxide Catalyst for Production of Useful Chemicals," Aya Konaka, Teruoki Tago, Takuya Yoshikawa, Ayaka Nakamura, Yuta Nakasaka and Takao Masuda (86) "Modeling Analysis and Experimental Demonstration of Enhanced Hydrogen Permeation in Palladium via a Composite Catalytic-Permselective (CCP) Membrane," Daejin Kim, Kevin Barnett, Elva Lugo Romero and Benjamin Wilhite (113)
10:20 - 10:45 AM Refreshment Break
10:45 - 11:10 AM "Characteristics of Magnesium-Promoted Pt/ZSM-23 Catalyst for the Hydroisomerization of N-Hexadecane," Seung-Woo Lee and Son-Ki Ihm (95) "Mapping of the High-Impact Polypropylene Morphology along the Various Stages of its Production," Klara Smolna, Tomas Gregor and Juraj Kosek (105) Keynote: "Sustainable Reaction Engineering Solutions: An Update," Jan Lerou (163)
11:10 - 11:35 AM "Rh-Catalyzed Hydroformylation with Commercial Polysiloxane Ligands in a Continuous Nanofiltration Membrane Reactor," Zhuanzhuan Xie, Bibhas Sarkar, Raghunath V Chaudhari and Bala Subramaniam (115) "Highly Selective Ethylene Epoxidation with Hydrogen Peroxide on Cerium Incorporated Three-Dimensional Amorphous Mesoporous Silicate, Ce-TUD-1," Wenjuan Yan, Anand Ramanathan and Bala Subramaniam (129)
11:35 - 12:00 PM "Kinetic Modelling of Hydrogenolysis of Sugar Based Polyols using a Bimetallic Ru-Re/C Catalyst in a Slurry Reactor," Xin Jin, Bala Subramaniam and Raghunath Chaudhari (127) Keynote: "Multiphase Catalytic Processes for Renewable Feedstocks to Chemical Intermediates: Kinetics, Mechanism and Reaction Engineering," Raghunath Chaudhari, Arely Torres, Xin Jin and Bala Subramaniam (125) "Hydrogenation of CO2 and CO under High Temperature Gradient between Catalyst Surface and Opposite Cooling Plate," David Perko and Janez Levec (7)
12:00 - 12:25 PM "Steady State Ammonia Oxidation on a Dual Layer and Mixed PGM/SCR Catalysts," Sachi Shrestha, Michael Harold, Krishna Kamasamudram and Aleksey Yezerets (143) "A Nanoscale Model for Characterizing the Pore Structure of Solid Reactants with Ordered and Random Pores," Kyriacos Zygourakis, Hao Sun and Pauline Markenscoff (149)
12:30 - 1:30 PM Closing Remarks with Light Lunch
(Woodway II - 4th Level)

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